Lumbersquare is a casual 3d videogame made with voxel style for mobile.
The protagonist is a lumberjack with the goal to start a successful joinery company. Chopping the tree, the player has to be focused to not hit his head onto branches that go down with the shortening of the log… but a good lumberer has to be also more efficient possible so it’s better to be in haste, first than the night comes. Challenge your friends to who can get the higher score.
Cutting trees your level will grow up and with the rise of the level, the time will slightly decrease.
The wood is stocked in the warehouse, which represents the maximum wood value you can store at once.
In the factory, wood is carved and sold, in this way the warehouses empties, your money box fills up! You can use coins to enlarge and upgrade your factory, your warehouse or the sharpness of your axe.
A respectable company isn’t made up of just one employee: you can use coins to buy new skins too.
With the growth of total chopped wood value and of the best score, the player unlocks new axes and trees: a challenge against yourself!
It’s planned for future versions to have a multiplayer mode, as well as unlockable special abilities – but this only if the first version obtains a certain success!
Current state.

UI: ✔
Gameplay: ✔
Upgrade System: ✔
Axes and trees: ✔ (26/26 axes and 9/9 trees)
Skins: ✔
Achievements: ✔
Leaderboards: ✔
Save Game Online: ✔
In-App Purchasings: ✔
Store Page: ✔
Psss… the image is of an early version of the game! Now it changed!
Work log.
I started to take data of the work log by the 24 of January.
Before this period, it’s showed just a summary.
20/12/19 – 23/01/20:
Gameplay setting: it took a while to actually solve all bugs and to get high performances also on old devices. I had to set twice the input system in order to achieve this.
UI: after a simple graphic, it took a while to make a pleasant interface. Set up each page took a tolerable amount of time.
Upgrade system: to set up a correctly-working system required much time. Clearly I had to create a save system to perform this. I never used the background-time first than this project, so it was funny to learn new things about it in order to create the factory-warehouse system.
Skins: have a working 3D model was hard to achieve, particularly for the texture, but after many efforts and tests I got it. For this reason has been easy then to set up the skins system, saving also device performance thanks to the good work made before with the voxel model.
Axes and trees: I focused more on the creation of selecting and unlocking rather than on the graphic of them. So I added, with the only goal to have some tests, 2 textures of trees and 3 axes. It shouldn’t require too much time to create 7 texture and 23 axes more.
Leaderboards, Save Game Online, In-App Purchasings, and the Store Page have been barely touched.
implemented achievements system with each of them. It’s necessary to test it on mobile.
added 6 axes (current state: 9/26) and the sound of time over. Changed the background in-game.
added 7 axes (current state: 16/26).
work completed with axes: each one uploaded and tested, particles added, the system improved.
preparing to export files on Google Play. The first version of APK and the first Internal Test created on Play Store. Tested achievements: they fully work. Added all skins (32/32) and tested them.
Completed axes, skins, achievements, leaderboard, in-app purchasing with respective tests and fix of bugs.
Modified some game mechanics, added coins and wood pages, and shake controller too.
Added translation system, for now – just for a test – the English have been translated only in Italian.
Many other customizations of which I didn’t take notes.
Only things left to do are the test of IAP’s restore and to add contents in Play Store Page.
Finalization of all contents.
Chest system.
Bug fixes.
Alpha Test and Pre-Registration on Google Play.
Official release!